BMICH holds ‘Bakmaha Ulela’ for Associates and their families
Mon, 26 Jun 2023
Press Releases

Chief guest HE former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga lighting the traditional oil lamp to commence the proceedings.

BMICH employees and their families enjoy a number of very special Avurudu activities.
Inviting an auspicious start to the Aluth Avruddha in April, the iconic BMICH recently hosted an expansive and entertaining Avurudu Uthsawaya for its associates and their families celebrating the event featuring over 20 events, including the consistently popular Fancy Dress Parade, Kanamutti, Sack Race, Singithi/Wadihiti Avurudu Kumaraya/Kumariya, Kamba Adeema (Tug-of-War), Lissana Gaha (Greasy Pole) as well as many other traditional Avurudu activities.
The Bakmaha Ulela was enjoyed by associates and their families alike, all tremendously enjoying the festive fun and traditional avurudu sweat meats. Participants were also excited to showcase their competitive spirit and talent.
Chairperson of the Bandaranaike National Memorial Foundation (BNMF) HE former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga graced the occasion as chief guest and spent considerable time mingling and conversing with the associates and their families.